
Guillaume Bernier

Entrepreneur in the field of information technology and co-founder of Klarr agency. Passionate about technology and innovation, I'm also a part-time gardening enthusiast. It's this passion for the earth and exotic fruits that inspired the creation of this blog.

Despite my roots in IT, I'm always drawn to the call of nature. I started gardening as a hobby, but over time, it has become a true passion. I've always been fascinated by the diversity of exotic fruits, their vibrant colors, unique flavors, and the nutritional richness they offer. However, I realized that growing exotic fruits in more northern climates was a real challenge.

Having taken up this challenge, I decided to share my experiences and knowledge with you. My goal with this blog is to make the cultivation of exotic fruits more accessible, even in colder and more northern climates. Here, I will share practical tips, tricks, and methods to help you succeed in growing your own exotic fruits.

Agriculture, like technology, is a constantly evolving field. I firmly believe that by combining the two, we can work wonders. I look forward to sharing with you this journey to discover exotic fruits, and I hope you will be as enthusiastic as I am about starting your own exotic garden.

Join me on this exciting adventure and together, let's transform northern climates into true oases of exotic fruits.